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Curriculum resources related to 'Data'

ACSBL029 Year 11 Biodiversity and the interconnectedness of life
Ecosystem dynamics - Models of ecosystem interactions (for example, food webs, successional models) can be used to predict the impact of change and are based on interpretation of and extrapolation from sample data (for example, data derived from ecosystem surveying techniques
ACSCH059 Year 11 Molecular interactions and reactions
Intermolecular forces and gases - Data from chromatography techniques (for example, thin layer, gas and high­performance liquid chromatography) can be used to determine the composition and purity of substances; the separation of the components is caused by the variation of strength of the
ACSCH130 Year 12 Structure synthesis and design
Properties and structure of organic materials - Data from analytical techniques, including mass spectrometry, x­ray crystallography and infrared spectroscopy, can be used to determine the structure of organic molecules, often using evidence from more than one technique

Products related to 'Data'

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KidWind Advanced Wind Experiment Kit Class Pack KIDWIND ADVANCED WIND EXPERIMENT CLASSROOM KIT Perform all of the same investigations as the KW-BWX Basic Wind Experiment Kit with the ability to generate more power at higher voltages (0.5–20V). Discover advanced concepts of wind turbine technology including gearboxes an... Order code: KW-AWXC
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $1,104.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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KidWind Basic Turbine Building Parts 10 Pack KIDWIND BASIC TURBINE BUILDING PARTS 10 PACK This classroom pack is great for students who don’t want a ready-made wind turbine. It is ideal for educators who want an affordable way for each students or student group to do hands-on experiments with wind power. Includes... Order code: KW-BTPART10 Yellow icon
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $358.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Amusement Park Physics - Experiment Manual Amusement Park Physics is an excellent resource for teachers who want their students to connect their experiences at an amusement park to the physics concepts studied in class. A key portion of the book discusses taking your class to the amusement park and includes sample lab she... Order code: AMPK
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $74.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Arduino Interface Shield VERNIER ARDUINO INTERFACE SHIELD The Vernier Arduino Interface Shield provides a convenient way to make connections from Arduino® microcontrollers to Vernier sensors. The Vernier Arduino Interface Shield plugs directly on top of the Arduino® and adds two BTA (analog) and... Order code: BT-ARD
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $72.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier myDAQ Adapter VERNIER myDAQ ADAPTER. The adapter includes two connectors for Vernier analog sensors and one connector for Vernier digital sensors. A screw terminal and header pins provide access to myDAQ lines not used by the connectors. This includes the two analog output lines, three... Order code: BT-MDAQ
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $172.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Centripetal Force Apparatus No longer available.
VERNIER CENTRIPETAL FORCE APPARATUS Vernier's Centripetal Force Apparatus allows you to investigate the relationship between centripetal force, angular velocity, mass and radius. A force sensor measures the centripetal force exerted on a mass as it moves in a circle. A...

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IEC Spectrometer Flame Emission with new software IEC FLAME EMISSION SPECTROMETER A unique student Spectrometer for teaching and demonstrating flame emission and atomic absorption (AA) spectometry and colorimetry in the classroom. Complete with an LP or natural gas burner, nebuliser with air controller, regulated light s... Order code: CH3792-001
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $1,761.00
Educational special  $1,717.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Connected Science System Product is purchased by selecting the components that you require.
Collect Once, Analyze Anywhere The Connected Science System is not a single product, it is a networked collection of technology that supports hands-on, collaborative learning with individualised accountability. It comprises the following products: LabQuest 2
Order code: CSS

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Vernier Dynamics Cart and Track System with Motion Encoder VERNIER DYNAMICS CART AND TRACK SYSTEM WITH MOTION ENCODER The Dynamics Cart and Track System with Motion Encoder is a revolutionary way for physics students to study dynamics. The Motion Encoder adds an optical position sensing system to record cart motion and eliminates... Order code: DTS-EC
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $1,342.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Dynamics Track System Encoder Long VERNIER DYNAMICS TRACK SYSTEM WITH MOTION ENCODER LONG The Dynamics Cart and Track System with Motion Encoder is a revolutionary way for physics students to study dynamics. The Motion Encoder adds an optical position sensing system to record cart motion and eliminates the... Order code: DTS-EC-LONG
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $1,621.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Motion Encoder Cart and Receiver VERNIER MOTION ENCODER CART AND RECEIVER The Motion Encoder Cart and Receiver is for users of the DTS Vernier Dynamics Cart and Track System who want to add Motion Encoder capability. It includes a fully assembled DTS-CART-MEC Vernier Motion Encoder Cart as well as the ME... Order code: DTS-MEC
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $664.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Motion Encoder Cart Upgrade Kit VERNIER MOTION ENCODER CART UPGRADE KIT The Motion Encoder Cart Upgrade Kit is for users of the DTS Vernier Dynamics Cart and Track System who want to add Motion Encoder capability. The kit allows the user to upgrade one existing cart to a Motion Encoder Cart and includes... Order code: DTS-MEU
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $420.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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IEC Electronics and Photonics Kit IEC ELECTRONICS AND PHOTONICS KIT The IEC Electronics and Photonics Kit is a special panel of electronic components that enable students with minimal supervision to investigate resistors and potential dividers, capacitors and their uses, component characteristics, transi... Order code: EM1765-001
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $352.00
Educational special  $344.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Engineering Projects with LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 - Electronic Version VERNIER ENGINEERING PROJECTS WITH LEGO MINDSTORMS EDUCATION EV3 - ELECTRONIC This book presents 13 engineering challenges to build and program robots using the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set, LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Software and Vernier sensors. It is pe... Order code: EP-EV3-E
$P.O.A. Each

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IEC LaserView Kit 6 Lenses 2 Bars in Plastic Case IEC LASERVIEW KIT The IEC Laserview Kit is a useful set of specially moulded prisms and bars that permit a laser beam to be visible as it passes through the plastic. The lenses have the same shapes as those found in a Hodson Light Box. The big difference is that these len... Order code: HL1985-001
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $153.00
Educational special  $150.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

IEC LaserView Kit 6 Lenses Boxed IEC LASERVIEW 6 LENS KIT The six specially formulated lenses included in the HL1985-001 IEC LaserView Kit that permit a laser beam to be visible as it passes through the plastic. The lenses have the same shapes as those found in a Hodson Light Box. Use the kit to clear... Order code: HL1985-100
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $83.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

IEC LaserView Kit 2 Bars IEC LASERVIEW KIT TWO BARS A bagged pair of specially formulated bars included in the HL1985-001 IEC LaserView Kit that permit a laser beam to be visible as it passes through the plastic. Great for use with lasers as the laser beam can be easily seen as it passes through... Order code: HL1985-200
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $83.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Polar Transmitter Module Currently unavailable, we are awaiting confirmation it complies with Button Battery safety requirements.
VERNIER POLAR TRANSMITTER MODULE The Vernier Polar Transmitter Module transmits heart rate data wirelessly to Bluetooth® Smart Ready devices or to a Heart Rate Receiver. The Polar Transmitter Module is included with the Go Wireless Heart Rate and the Go Wireless Exercise ...
Order code: HR-TRANS
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $144.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Forensic Chemistry Experiments VERNIER FORENSIC CHEMISTRY EXPERIMENTS Engage students in learning fundamental chemistry concepts through Vernier's Forensic Chemistry Experiments lab manual. Each of the 15 experiments in this book kicks off with a case study designed to engage high school and univer... Order code: HSB-FCHEM
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $112.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Forensic Chemistry Experiments Electronic VERNIER FORENSIC CHEMISTRY EXPERIMENTS E-BOOK Engage students in learning fundamental chemistry concepts through Vernier's Forensic Chemistry Experiments electronic lab manual. Each of the 15 experiments in this book kicks off with a case study designed to engage high... Order code: HSB-FCHEM-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $81.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Fibre Optic Cable - Figure 8 Twin Core - Metre General purpose duplex cable for industrial and educational data applications, sold per metre. The cable has two cores of 1P980/1000 Eska™ Premier Duplex 1.0 mm Core Optical Fiber encased in a 2.2mm OD Polyethylene Jacket. Properties: Core Material: Polymethyl-Methac... Order code: IF-810026
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $3.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Slide Ascidian Whole Mount Swimming Tadpole Larva Last one available Ascidian, whole mount swimming tadpole larva. A quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide. Image: K1857-Urochordata-Ascidian-WM-larva.jpg Order code: K1857
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $12.80
Prices exclude GST and freight

Key Experiment Water Quality Testing KEBS2: This investigation utilises data collection equipment for basic water quality monitoring and analysis. The data can then be used to investigate environmental variables. Curriculum Topics Biology: Describing biodiversity and Ecosystem dynamics Descri... Order code: KEBS2

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Key Experiment Diffusion through Membranes The rate of diffusion of a salt solution through a membrane is investigated under different conditions of concentration. Description KEBS4A provides the tools for data collection that will enable investigation of rates of diffusion through a membrane under different co... Order code: KEBS4A

Key Experiment Rates of Chemical Reactions KESC13: Determine the reaction rate for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide or the reaction between citric acid and bicarbonate of soda. Curriculum Topics Chemistry: Chemical reactions: reactants, products and energy change Chemistry: Rates of chemical react... Order code: KECS13

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