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Curriculum resources related to 'Data'

ACSBL029 Year 11 Biodiversity and the interconnectedness of life
Ecosystem dynamics - Models of ecosystem interactions (for example, food webs, successional models) can be used to predict the impact of change and are based on interpretation of and extrapolation from sample data (for example, data derived from ecosystem surveying techniques
ACSCH059 Year 11 Molecular interactions and reactions
Intermolecular forces and gases - Data from chromatography techniques (for example, thin layer, gas and high­performance liquid chromatography) can be used to determine the composition and purity of substances; the separation of the components is caused by the variation of strength of the
ACSCH130 Year 12 Structure synthesis and design
Properties and structure of organic materials - Data from analytical techniques, including mass spectrometry, x­ray crystallography and infrared spectroscopy, can be used to determine the structure of organic molecules, often using evidence from more than one technique

Products related to 'Data'

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Vernier Heart Rate Receiver VERNIER HEART RATE RECEIVER Using the Heart Rate Receiver you can collect heart rate data from either the Hand-Grip Transmitter or the Chest Belt Transmitter. This same receiver unit works to receive the RF signal transmitted by both styles of heart rate transmitters.... Order code: HR-REC
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $112.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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LabQuest Padded Vinyl Carry Case A padded, soft vinyl zippered case with carrying strap. It's ideal for storing and carrying the Vernier LabQuest data logger and USB cable. Approximate size: 205x115x50mm. The case can also be used for storing and carrying sensors, e.g. a Temperature Sensor and Motion Detecto... Order code: LQ-CASE
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $12.90
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Easy Temp VERNIER EASYTEMP The Vernier EasyTemp is a rugged, general-purpose temperature sensor for TI graphing handhelds. It's mini-A USB connector allows the temperature probe to be attached directly to the USB port of a TI-84 Plus graphing calculator or TI-Nspire handheld. Conne... Order code: EZ-TMP
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $119.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Flow Rate Sensor VERNIER FLOW RATE SENSOR Vernier's Flow Rate Sensor allows students to easily measure the velocity of water when studying the discharge, flow patterns and sediment transport of a creek or river. The Flow Rate Sensor includes 3 riser rods which enable the impeller to b... Order code: FLO-BTA ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $345.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Analogue Breadboard Cable VERNIER ANALOGUE BREADBOARD CABLE Vernier's Analogue Breadboard Cable provides an easy way for students to build their own sensor circuitry and input the signal into a Vernier interface for data acquisition. One end of the cable is a standard British Telecom Analogue (... Order code: BB-BTA
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $30.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Digital Breadboard Adaptor VERNIER DIGITAL BREADBOARD CABLE The Breadboard Cable (Digital) provides an easy way for students to build their own sensor circuitry and input the signal into a Vernier interface for data acquisition. One end of the cable is a standard British Telecom Digital (BTD) co... Order code: BB-BTD
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $27.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Digital Sensor Cable VERNIER DIGITAL SENSOR CABLE This cable connects Vernier digital sensors to the digital (DIG) port on Vernier's LabQuest 2, LabQuest Original or LabQuest Mini interface. The Vernier Digital Sensor Cable is included with the Vernier Motion Detector and Vernier Drop Count... Order code: MDC-BTD
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $12.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Mini-to-Standard USB Adapter VERNIER MINI-TO-STANDARD USB ADAPTOR This adapter allows an EasyTemp or EasyLink to be connected to a computer for data collection using Logger Pro or Logger Lite software. The adaptor has a USB Mini-A receptacle that connects to the EasyTemp or EasyLink and a standard-A ... Order code: MINI-USB
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $55.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Human Physiology Experiments Volume 2 VERNIER HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY EXPERIMENTS VOLUME 2 Vernier's Human Physiology Experiments Volume 2 is an expansion of HSB-HP Human Physiology Experiments to encourage students to investigate the physiology of the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory and nervous systems. T... Order code: ALB-HP2
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $112.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Human Physiology Experiments Volume 2 - Electronic VERNIER HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY EXPERIMENTS VOLUME 2 ELECTRONIC This electronic version of Vernier's Human Physiology Experiments Volume 2 is an expansion of HSB-HP Human Physiology Experiments to encourage students to investigate the physiology of the cardiovascular, muscular, ... Order code: ALB-HP2-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $81.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Chemistry Investigations for AP VERNIER CHEMISTRY INVESTIGATIONS FOR USE WITH AP CHEMISTRY. This lab book provides 16 inquiry-based laboratory experiments aligned with the Advanced Placement inquiry investigations published by The College Board of America. Each experiment guides students to investigate ... Order code: APCHEM
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $147.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Chemistry Investigations for AP - Electronic Version VERNIER CHEMISTRY INVESTIGATIONS FOR USE WITH AP CHEMISTRY - ELECTRONIC This lab book provides 16 inquiry-based laboratory experiments aligned with the Advanced Placement inquiry investigations published by The College Board of America. Each experiment guides students to ... Order code: APCHEM-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $104.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Advanced Biology with Vernier ADVANCED BIOLOGY WITH VERNIER Advanced Biology with Vernier is a lab book containing 17 ready-to-use experiments appropriate for advanced high school and tertiary biology courses. Use it in addition to BWV Biology with Vernier for a comprehensive set of topics. For inquir... Order code: BIO-A
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $147.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Advanced Biology with Vernier - Electronic Version ADVANCED BIOLOGY WITH VERNIER - ELECTRONIC Advanced Biology with Vernier is a lab book containing 17 ready-to-use experiments appropriate for advanced high school and tertiary biology courses. Use it in addition to BWV Biology with Vernier for a comprehensive set of topic... Order code: BIO-A-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $104.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Investigating Biology through Inquiry Vernier INVESTIGATING BIOLOGY THROUGH INQUIRY Vernier's Investigating Biology through Inquiry is a lab book that will help you integrate inquiry into your existing biology curriculum. It provides many possible research questions and sample data for your students to investigate. E... Order code: BIO-I
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $147.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Investigating Biology through Inquiry Vernier - Electronic Version INVESTIGATING BIOLOGY THROUGH INQUIRY - ELECTRONIC Vernier's Investigating Biology through Inquiry is a lab book that will help you integrate inquiry into your existing biology curriculum. It provides many possible research questions and sample data for your students to i... Order code: BIO-I-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $104.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Biology with Vernier BIOLOGY WITH VERNIER Biology with Vernier is a lab book containing 31 experiments in cell respiration, photosynthesis, membrane diffusion, osmosis, human physiology, transpiration, fermentation and other important biology concepts. Experiments are included for 12 Vernier... Order code: BWV
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $147.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Biology with Vernier - Electronic Version BIOLOGY WITH VERNIER - ELECTRONIC Biology with Vernier is a lab book containing 31 experiments in cell respiration, photosynthesis, membrane diffusion, osmosis, human physiology, transpiration, fermentation and other important biology concepts. Experiments are included f... Order code: BWV-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $104.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Advanced Chemistry with Vernier ADVANCED CHEMISTRY WITH VERNIER Advanced Chemistry with Vernier is a lab book containing 35 advanced chemistry experiments designed for use with Vernier data-collection technology. There are four student alternative versions included for each experiment: Logger Pro, LabQu... Order code: CHEM-A
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $147.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Advanced Chemistry with Vernier - Electronic Version ADVANCED CHEMISTRY WITH VERNIER - ELECTRONIC Advanced Chemistry with Vernier is a lab book containing 35 advanced chemistry experiments designed for use with Vernier data-collection technology. There are four student alternative versions included for each experiment: Logg... Order code: CHEM-A-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $104.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Organic Chemistry with Vernier ORGANIC CHEMISTRY WITH VERNIER Organic Chemistry with Vernier is a lab book containing experiments designed for use with Vernier data-collection technology in tertiary organic chemistry courses. Experiments cover a broad range of topics and techniques including compound i... Order code: CHEM-O
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $147.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Organic Chemistry with Vernier - Electronic Version ORGANIC CHEMISTRY WITH VERNIER - ELECTRONIC Organic Chemistry with Vernier is a lab book containing experiments designed for use with Vernier data-collection technology in tertiary organic chemistry courses. Experiments cover a broad range of topics and techniques includi... Order code: CHEM-O-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $104.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Chemistry with Vernier CHEMISTRY WITH VERNIER Chemistry with Vernier is a lab book containing more than 35 experiments in thermochemistry, gas laws, acid-base reactions, equilibrium, electrochemistry, electrolytes, states of matter and more. Experiments are included for the Gas Pressure Sen... Order code: CWV
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $147.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Chemistry with Vernier - Electronic Version CHEMISTRY WITH VERNIER - ELECTRONIC Chemistry with Vernier is a lab book containing more than 35 experiments in thermochemistry, gas laws, acid-base reactions, equilibrium, electrochemistry, electrolytes, states of matter and more. Experiments are included for the Gas... Order code: CWV-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $104.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Investigating Magnetism (Elementary ebook) VERNIER INVESTIGATING MAGNETISM EBOOK Investigate the magnetic field of magnets and electromagnets with your Year 3-6 students using this electronic book of experiments and a GDX-3MG Vernier Go Direct 3-Axis Magnetic Fi... Order code: ELB-3MG-E
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $30.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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