26 results found for 'Plane'. Prev |1|2 | Next | View 100 per page
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Earth Moon Sun - The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) ACSPH100 Year 12 Gravity and electromagnetism
Gravity and motion - When an object experiences a net force of constant magnitude perpendicular to its velocity, it will undergo uniform circular motion, including circular motion on a horizontal plane and around a banked track ACSPH098 Year 12 Gravity and electromagnetism
Gravity and motion - The vector nature of the gravitational force can be used to analyse motion on inclined planes by considering the components of the gravitational force (that is, weight) parallel and perpendicular to the plane
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Curriculum resources related to 'Plane'
ACSSU078 Year 5 Earth and Space SciencesEarth Moon Sun - The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun) ACSPH100 Year 12 Gravity and electromagnetism
Gravity and motion - When an object experiences a net force of constant magnitude perpendicular to its velocity, it will undergo uniform circular motion, including circular motion on a horizontal plane and around a banked track ACSPH098 Year 12 Gravity and electromagnetism
Gravity and motion - The vector nature of the gravitational force can be used to analyse motion on inclined planes by considering the components of the gravitational force (that is, weight) parallel and perpendicular to the plane
Products related to 'Plane'
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