175 results found for 'Mount'. |1|2|3|4|5|6|7 | Next | View 100 per page
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Properties and structure of materials - Materials are either pure substances with distinct measurable properties (for example, melting and boiling point, reactivity, strength, density) or mixtures with properties dependent on the identity and relative amounts of the substances that make up the ACSCH063 Year 11 Molecular interactions and reactions
Aqueous solutions and acidity - The concentration of a solution is defined as the amount of solute divided by the amount of solution; this can be represented in a variety of ways including by the number of moles of the solute per litre of solution (mol L1) and the mass of the solute pe ACSPH020 Year 11 Thermal nuclear and electrical physics
Heating processes - Provided a substance does not change state, its temperature change is proportional to the amount of energy added to or removed from the substance; the constant of proportionality describes the heat capacity of the substance
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Low relevance matches: 196 other results may be of interest to you. Show low relevance matches
Curriculum resources related to 'Mount'
ACSCH025 Year 11 Chemical fundamentalsProperties and structure of materials - Materials are either pure substances with distinct measurable properties (for example, melting and boiling point, reactivity, strength, density) or mixtures with properties dependent on the identity and relative amounts of the substances that make up the ACSCH063 Year 11 Molecular interactions and reactions
Aqueous solutions and acidity - The concentration of a solution is defined as the amount of solute divided by the amount of solution; this can be represented in a variety of ways including by the number of moles of the solute per litre of solution (mol L1) and the mass of the solute pe ACSPH020 Year 11 Thermal nuclear and electrical physics
Heating processes - Provided a substance does not change state, its temperature change is proportional to the amount of energy added to or removed from the substance; the constant of proportionality describes the heat capacity of the substance
Products related to 'Mount'

ProScope C Mount Adapter with IR Cut Filter
A quality infrared cut filter. When used with your ProScope it adapts the proprietary ProScope mounting thread to an industry standard, female, 25.4mm C-Mount thread.
With the IR filter fitted a ProScope can be easily fitted...
Order code: BT-CMT-IRC
IEC Diffraction Grating 500 Lines per mm Card Mount
A quality IEC diffraction grating of 500 lines per mm created as a holograph and providing clear and bright diffraction patterns. The film is mounted in the form of a 35mm slide and does not have protection for the film.
Order code: HL1692-001
IEC Diffraction Grating 1000 Lines per mm Card Mount
A quality IEC diffraction grating of 1000 lines per mm created as a holograph and providing clear and bright diffraction patterns. The film is mounted in the form of a 35mm slide and does not have protection for the film.
Order code: HL1694-001
Slide Spirogyra Whole Mount of Vegetative Filaments
Spirogyra microscope slide. This is a quality Australian made and prepared slide.
Order code: K1395
Slide Mucor Whole Mount of Sporangia
Whole mount of Mucor sporangia.
This is a quality made and prepared Australian slide.
Order code: K1437
Slide Sphagnum Whole Mount of Leaf Showing Chlorophyll and Hyaline Cells
Last one available
Whole mount of Sphagnum leaf showing chlorophyll and hyaline cells.
This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Order code: K1496
Slide Drosera Sundew Whole Mount of Leaf
Last one available
Whole mount of a Drosera (Sundew) leaf.
This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Order code: K1573B

Slide Mixed Pollen Whole Mount of Various Types
W.m. of various types of pollen. This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Order code: K1594

Slide Oxalate Crystals Whole Mount of Crystal Clusters with Scale
Last one available
Single oxalate crystals in a whole mount of scale.
This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Order code: K1617

Slide Trichomes Whole Mount of Leaf
Last one available
Whole mount of a leaf with Trichomes.
This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Order code: K1627

Slide Paramecium Whole Mount
W.m. of paramecium. This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1678-Protozoa-Paramecium--WM.jpg
Order code: K1678

Slide Mixed Protozoa Whole Mount
W.m. of mixed protozoa. This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1679-Protozoa-Mixed-species.jpg
Order code: K1679

Slide Leucosolenia Whole Mount a Simple Ascon.
Last one available
W.m. of a single ascon type sponge. This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1685-Porifera-Leacosolenia-WM.jpg
Order code: K1685
Slide Hydra Whole Mount Specimen with Testes
Last one available
W.m. of specimen with testes. This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1693-Cnidaria-(hydrozoa)-hydra-with-testes-WM.jpg
Order code: K1693
Slide Obelia Whole Mount of Hydroid Colony
Last one available
W.M. of hydroid colony. This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1698-Cnidaria-(hydrozoa)-Obelia-hydroid-colony--WM.jpg
Order code: K1698
Slide Obelia Whole Mount of Medusa
Last one available
W.M. of medusa. This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1699-Cnidaria-(hydrozoa)-Obelia-medusa-WM.jpg
Order code: K1699
Slide Aurelia Whole Mount Ephyra Stage
Last one available
W.m. of ephyra stage. This is a quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1702B-Cnidaria-(Scyphozoa)-Aurelia-ephyra--WM.jpg
Order code: K1702B

Slide Dipylidium Caninum Whole Mount of Scolex
Last one available
Dipyllidium Caninum, whole mount of scolex. A quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1731-Cestoda-Dipyllidium-caninum-WM-of--Scolex.jpg
Order code: K1731

Slide Dipylidium Caninum Whole Mount of Scolex Mature and Gravid Segments
Last one available
Dipyllidium Caninum, whole mount of scolex, mature and gravid sections. A quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image A: K1731B-Cestoda-Dipyllidium-caninum-WM-Scolex-mature--gravidsegmetA.jpg
Image B: K1731B-Cestoda-Dipyllidium-caninum-WM-Scolex-mature--gravi...
Order code: K1731B

Slide Hymenolepis Whole Mount of Scolex
Last one available
Hymenolepis, whole mount of scolex. A quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1736-Hymenolepis-Scolex-WM.jpg
Order code: K1736

Slide Haemonchus Whole Mount of Stomach Worm
Last one available
Haemonchus, whole mount of stomach worm. A quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image A: K1743-Haemonchus-WM-male-and-Female-A.jpg
Image B: K1743-Haemonchus-WM-male-and-Female-B.jpg
Order code: K1743

Slide Nereis Whole Mount of Parapodia
Last one available
Neresis, whole mount of parapodia. A quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1754-Annelida-Nereis-WM-parapodia.jpg
Order code: K1754

Slide Nauplius Larva Whole Mount
Last one available
Naupilus Larva, whole mount. A quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1786-Nauplius-wm.jpg
Order code: K1786

Slide Zoea Larva Whole Mount
Last one available
Zoea Larva, whole mount. A quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1786B-Zoea-wm.jpg
Order code: K1786B

Slide Megalops Larva Whole Mount
Last one available
Megalops Larva, whole mount. A quality Australian made and prepared microscope slide.
Image: K1786C-Megalops-wm.jpg
Order code: K1786C
175 results found for 'Mount'. |1|2|3|4|5|6|7 | Next | View 100 per page