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ACSBL085: Year 12 Heredity and continuity of life - DNA genes and the continuity of life

Frequencies of genotypes and phenotypes of offspring can be predicted using probability models, including Punnett squares, and by taking into consideration patterns of inheritance, including the effects of dominant, autosomal and sex-linked alleles and mu

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Vernier Logger Pro 3 Data Logging Software Logger Pro will be discontinued in December 2024, replaced by Graphical Analysis Pro, Vernier Video Analysis, Vernier Instrumental Analysis and Vernier Spectral Analysis. VERNIER LOGGER PRO 3 Vernier's Logger Pro is an easy to use data-collection and analysis software for Windows and Mac computers. The generous Site Licence covers a single school campus or in the case of a university, a single department at a single campus. The licence in... Order code: LP ACARA Logo
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