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ACSPH073: Year 11 Linear Motion and Waves - Waves

A mechanical system resonates when it is driven at one of its natural frequencies of oscillation; energy is transferred efficiently into systems under these conditions

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Vernier Logger Pro 3 Data Logging Software Logger Pro will be discontinued in December 2024, replaced by Graphical Analysis Pro, Vernier Video Analysis, Vernier Instrumental Analysis and Vernier Spectral Analysis. VERNIER LOGGER PRO 3 Vernier's Logger Pro is an easy to use data-collection and analysis software for Windows and Mac computers. The generous Site Licence covers a single school campus or in the case of a university, a single department at a single campus. The licence in... Order code: LP ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $719.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Prices exclude GST and freight

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IEC Wave~Lab Signal Generator IEC WAVE~LAB SIGNAL GENERATOR The IEC digital Wave~Lab is a special dual wave signal generator for the study of wave theory. It generates two sets of very accurate and absolutely stable frequencies up to 40kHz that can be added to one another, exactly shifted in phase rel... Order code: LB3756-101 ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Base price  $1,181.30
Scientrific's price  $1,152.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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IEC Wave Demo Spring Set IEC WAVE DEMONSTRATION SPRING SET The IEC Wave Demonstration Spring Set is a pair of high quality, tempered and corrosion resistant springs used to clearly and simply demonstrate wave motion to your students. The set consists of one long thin helical spring (approxima... Order code: SW4260-001 ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Set)1+
Scientrific's price  $37.30
Educational special  $34.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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IEC Signal Generator - Audio Oscillator 0.1Hz to 99.999kHz 1.5A IEC MINI-WAVE SIGNAL GENERATOR The Mini-Wave is a very compact digital, high current instrument with sine, triangular, saw tooth or square wave output. This signal generator has a broad range that can directly feed a loud speaker, solenoid, vibrator or other electromech... Order code: LB3753-101 ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $370.00
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IEC Kundts Apparatus 50mm Diameter 800mm Long Complete IEC KUNDT'S APPARATUS Use this quality Australian made apparatus to reproduce Kundt’s experiments studying wave motion inside a tube using sound and creating ‘standing waves’. Apart from an audio oscillator, amplifier or oscilloscope (which are not included) no other e... Order code: SW1996-001 ACARA Logo
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