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ACSPH136: Year 12 Revolutions in modern physics - Quantum theory

On the atomic level, electromagnetic radiation is emitted or absorbed in discrete packets called photons; the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency; and the constant of proportionality, Planck’s constant, can be determined experimentally (fo

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Vernier Emissions Spectrometer Discontinued - only 1 in stock VERNIER EMISSIONS SPECTROMETER The Vernier Emissions Spectrometer allows you to instantly collect emissions spectra from light bulbs, gas discharge tubes or the sun. Capture data and analyse it immediately on your computer or LabQuest. The perfect tool to conduct emissio... Order code: VSP-EM ACARA Logo
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Scientrific's price  $1,940.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Optical Fiber for VSP-EM VERNIER OPTICAL FIBER FOR VSP-EM This optical fibre is an accessory that allows precise measurements of emissions spectrum wavelengths with Vernier's GDX-SPEC-EM Go Direct® Emissions Spectrometer and the discontinued VSP-EM Vernier Emissions Spectrometer. The fibre ca... Order code: VSP-EM-FIBER ACARA Logo
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Prices exclude GST and freight

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Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $346.00
Educational special  $312.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Green Diffraction Laser VERNIER GREEN DIFFRACTION LASER This Class 2 Green Diffraction Laser is an optional accessory for the Diffraction Apparatus. Operating at 532nm, it allows students to see and measure how diffraction patterns depend on light wavelength. Note: the Vernier Green Diffract... Order code: GDL-DAK ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $621.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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IEC Planck's Constant - Low Cost Apparatus IEC PLANCK'S CONSTANT SIMPLE APPARATUS A low cost instrument used to determine Planck’s Constant and discover that the wavelength of light determines the energy in the photons … not the amount of light. The voltage that causes 2 microamps to flow through each selected ... Order code: AP2343-001 ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $121.00
Educational special  $118.00
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IEC Photo-Electric Effect - Planck's Constant Apparatus IEC PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT AND PLANCK'S CONSTANT A well-designed instrument with two digital meters to simultaneously indicate both the current through the internal photo-cell and the backing voltage applied to the cell. Experiments can be performed in the following area... Order code: AP2341-002 ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
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Vernier Spectrophotometer Optical Fiber suits GDX-SVISPL, VSP-FUV, VSP-UV VERNIER SPECTROPHOTOMETER OPTICAL FIBER This is an optical fibre accessory designed exclusively for emission spectrum experiments with Vernier-branded spectrometers like the Go Direct SpectroVis Plus. Simply insert the unit into the cuvette holder and point the tip of the... Order code: VSP-FIBER ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
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Prices exclude GST and freight

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IEC Spectroscope Plastic with Calibration Scale IEC PLASTIC SPECTROSCOPE WITH CALIBRATED SCALE The IEC compact Direct Vision Spectroscope allows students to view the separation of a light source into its various colours and enable them to measure the resultant wavelengths in nanometres. An adjustable slit allows the... Order code: HL3791-001 ACARA Logo
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Educational special  $50.00
Prices exclude GST and freight
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