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Vernier CO2 / O2 Respiration Chamber

Order code: CO2-BTL
Purchase QTY: (Each) 1+
Scientrific's price   $12.00
Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight

The Vernier CO2/O2 Respiration Chamber is the same clear plastic bottle that is supplied with
• CO2-BTA Vernier CO2 sensor
• O2-BTA Vernier O2 sensor
• GDX-CO2 Vernier Go Direct CO2 sensor
• GDX-O2 Vernier Go Direct O2 sensor
• ETH-BTA Vernier Ethanol Sensor

This bottle does NOT have a second hole and grommet on the side like the BC-250 and BC-2000 which have two sensor holes.

Educational use only:
Vernier and Kidwind products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical or commercial applications. Details
