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Advanced Physics with Vernier - Mechanics

Order code: PHYS-AM
Purchase QTY: (Each) 1+
Scientrific's price   $147.00
Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight

This book is the first of a two-volume set of experiments for a more in-depth introductory physics course in tertiary physics, AP Physics or IB Physics. Experiments are designed for an interactive teaching style with planned moments for instructor or student-led discussion.

Instructor notes include discussion on how to lead students to a successful activity. The book includes many extensions to challenge the most talented students.

If you have previously purchased a copy of this Vernier lab book please contact Support at for free access to the electronic version and it's updated contents.

Printed Lab Book
• 19 experiments designed for an interactive teaching style, with planned moments for instructor or student-led discussion
• Access to up-to-date versions of the experiments
• Essential instructor information including discussions about how to lead students to a successful activity
• Experiment extensions that challenge the most talented students
• Word-processing files of the student investigations so you can edit the files to match your teaching preferences
• Instructions for data collection with Logger Pro 3 or LabQuest App
• A generous site licence­—buy one book and duplicate the experiments for your class
• One printed copy of the book

Electronic Version PHYS-AM-E
When you buy the electronic version of the lab book you receive all of the resources listed for the printed version
except a printed copy of the book.

Table of Contents
1. Motion on an Incline
2. Error Analysis
3. Newton's First Law
4. Newton's Second Law
5. Newton's Third Law
6. Projectile Motion
7. Energy Storage and Transfer: Elastic Energy
8. Energy Storage and Transfer: Kinetic Energy
9. Energy Storage and Transfer: Gravitational Energy
10A. Impulse and Momentum (Motion Detector)
10B. Impulse and Momentum (Photogate)
11A. Momentum and Collisions (Motion Detectors)
11B. Momentum and Collisions (Photogates)
12. Centripetal Acceleration
13. Rotational Dynamics
14. Conservation of Angular Momentum
15. Simple Harmonic Motion: Mathematical Model
16. Simple Harmonic Motion: Kinematics and Dynamics
17. Pendulum Periods
18. Physical Pendulum
19. Centre of Mass

• AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the American College Entrance Examination Board which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse this product.
• The IB Diploma Program is an official program of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) which authorizes schools to offer it. The material available here has been developed independently of the IBO and is not endorsed by it.

Educational use only:
Vernier and Kidwind products are designed for educational use. They are not appropriate for industrial, medical or commercial applications. Details

  • Package size (HxWxD): 25x229x279mm
  • Packed weight: 1.09kg

    Last edited 9th Jan 2025

    Works with:From
    LABQ2 - Vernier LabQuest 2 Data Logger and Interface$835.00
    LQ-MINI - Vernier LabQuest Mini Data Logger Interface$470.00
    LQ-STREAM - Vernier LabQuest Stream Wireless Data Logger$698.00
    LQ-VIEW - Vernier LabQuest Viewer$196.00
    LP - Vernier Logger Pro 3 Data Logging Software$719.00
    AK-RMV - Vernier Rotary Motion Accessory Kit$321.00
    DTS - Vernier Dynamics Cart and Track System$895.00
    MD-BTD - Vernier Motion Detector$261.00
    VPG-BTD - Vernier Photogate$137.00
    PF - Vernier Picket Fence$25.00
    DFS-BTA - Vernier Dual-Range Force Sensor$308.00
    BLK - Vernier Bumper and Launcher Kit$246.00
    PAD-VDS - Vernier Friction Accessory$87.00
    SPA - Vernier Ultra Pulley$60.00
    B-SPA - Vernier Pulley Bracket$30.00
    CFA - Vernier Centripetal Force Apparatus$1,374.00
    SPRINGS - Vernier Spring Set$45.00
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    CatalogueMay 2024 Web Catalogue
    Compatibility GuideSensor-Interface-Software Requirements (external link)

    Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight