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ACSPH030: Year 11 Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Ionising radiation and nuclear reactions

Alpha, beta and gamma radiation have sufficient energy to ionise atoms

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Vernier Go Direct Radiation Monitor - Geiger Counter VERNIER GO DIRECT RADIATION MONITOR Vernier's Go Direct Radiation Monitor detects alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation and can be used to explore radiation statistics, measure the rate of nuclear decay and monitor radon progeny. This easy-to-use sensor consists of a... Order code: GDX-RAD ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $544.00
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Vernier Radiation Monitor VERNIER RADIATION MONITOR Use the Vernier Radiation Monitor to explore radiation statistics, measure the rate of nuclear decay and monitor radon progeny. This easy-to-use sensor consists of a Geiger-Mueller tube mounted in a small rugged plastic case. A thin window pro... Order code: VRM-BTD ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $495.00
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Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $291.50
Educational special  $285.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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IEC Radioactive Source Gamma Cobalt 60 IEC RADIOACTIVE SOURCE GAMMA COBALT 60 A low energy radioactive source of GAMMA, Cobalt 60, suitable for classroom studies in radioactivity and absorbers. Half-life is about 5.3 years. Although radioactivity level is very low, the sources should not be carried arou... Order code: PA2667-020 ACARA Logo
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Educational special  $285.00
Prices exclude GST and freight
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