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IEC Radioactive Source Gamma Cobalt 60

Order code: PA2667-020
Purchase QTY: (Each) 1+
Scientrific's price   $291.50
Educational special   $285.00
Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight

A low energy radioactive source of GAMMA, Cobalt 60, suitable for classroom studies in radioactivity and absorbers.

Half-life is about 5.3 years.

Although radioactivity level is very low, the sources should not be carried around for long periods or placed in pockets of clothing against one’s body.

Dangerous goods freight is required for this radioactive source.

User ManualIEC Radioactive Sources

NOTE: This is a genuine IEC product.
We believe in supporting Australian industry and only sell genuine IEC products, we do NOT sell imported clones of IEC products.

  • Product size: (HxWxD): 25x25x3mm

    Last edited 6th Aug 2024

    This product is used in teaching these Australian Curriculum codes:
    ACSPH030 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Ionising radiation and nuclear reactions - Alpha, beta and gamma radiation have sufficient energy to ionise atoms
    ACSPH029 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Ionising radiation and nuclear reactions - Each species of radionuclide has a specific half­life
    ACSPH028 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Ionising radiation and nuclear reactions - Some nuclides are unstable and spontaneously decay, emitting alpha, beta and/or gamma radiation over time until they become stable nuclides

    Click a curriculum code to see other products that relate.

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    CatalogueMay 2024 Web Catalogue
    ExperimentAlpha Beta Gamma Radiation
    ExperimentMP12 Background Radiation Sources
    ExperimentSP14 Radiation Shields
    User ManualIEC Radioactive Sources

    Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight